The Purple Sand Challenge - Join Us!

Written on 08/04/2021
HCCoalition Team

Purple Sand challenge

Organizations and community members come and get your Purple Sand To Join The Challenge. This idea is inspired by the Red Sand Project which is used to raise awareness and spark more conversations about human trafficking by filling in the cracks of sidewalks with red sand.

We thought it would be a cool idea to do that for this year’s IOAD, and since the color for IOAD is purple, we have purple sand. Each grain of sand represents the millions of men and women around the world that have unfortunately been lost to overdose.

Through this initiative and community support, we can raise awareness on addiction and overdose deaths in Hamilton County and across Southeast Tennessee. We will be putting together little baggies that will have purple sand and a card with more information and a hashtag to use and encourage others to share the experience on social media.

Here are details on how to post the purple sand on social media:

  1. Spread the purple sand that was provided outside (this can be spread in the cracks of the sidewalk or you can write a message with the sand….. really whatever you want!)

  2. Once all of the sand has been spread, take a picture of the sand and post the picture on social media platforms

  3. Use the hashtag #EndOverdose and #IOAD2021 and tag the Hamilton County Coalition in your post.

  4. Make sure to encourage others to post and repost on their social media accounts